각종 행사에 메타버스/가상현실 체험 부스로 추천! MBTI VR 게임 더인사이드는 어떤 내용일까?!

MBTI VR Game <The Inside> What is it about?

(3) Preparation of Property & Result Paper If you prepare basic places, desks, chairs, outlets, etc., The Picture Company will prepare Oculus VR devices, disposable eye masks, MBTI result sheets, banners, etc. Please join The Picture Company, which saves the person in charge and enables smooth VR experience events at events of various sizes.(3) Training for new employees, in-house events, and workshops. For new employees who are still awkward, and office workers who have not been able to talk often because they are only working, it is also a good content! If you use it for in-house events such as training for new employees, workshops, and opening ceremonies, it will be a good time to have a pleasant chat about the results and get to know each other.The VR game “The Inside” is an adventurous personality type test game in which you make the most suitable choices for you while matching various virtual reality environments and situations.What is your MBTI? You may have tested it for fun because it is popular to know your personality and characteristics. Our The Grimm Company develops and has a game that can test MBTI (personality type) through virtual reality (VR) adventure games, and rents and operates various events such as schools, companies, convention festivals, and fairs.You can see and experience the sometimes thrilling and dreamy virtual reality such as the sky, sea, underground, island, and strange virtual spaces, and enjoy a different type of MBTI test in a game.[The Grimm Company] MBTI VR game. I choose reliable and cute friends who will go with me[The Picture Company] MBTI VR Game The Inside (2) Exhibitions such as job fairs and VR events Many people request VR MBTI games as experience booths for job fairs and job fairs. It is also good for a hard interview and seminar-oriented job events. It is also suitable for events such as VR and AR where VR games are displayed and experienced, right?Recommended for youth career exploration, job fairs, etc! Everything from the MBTI VR game <The Inside>!Possessing numerous patents and obtaining advice! Self-VR content <The Inside>The VR game <The Inside> is easy to use at various events as it facilitates the operation of events through direct dispatch of staff. (1) When planning a pre-consultation event, please let us know the size of the booth, the expected number of users, time, date, and location, and we will discuss the rental number and rental schedule of appropriate devices. ( * Consultation and contract can be smoothly used up to 2 weeks before the event.)It has various technical patents such as personality psychology type tests through VR, and has been deeply produced with professors from Nam Seoul National University, Mokwon University, Sangmyung University, Seowon University, and Hanyang Cyber University as advisory members.The Adventure of Finding Me by Name <The Inside>! Today, we’ll reveal the appeal of the game <The Inside>!How do I use the MBTI VR game <The Inside>?(2) Specialist Staff Dispatch On-site VR devices and professional staff with knowledge of the content are dispatched to the site. We operate the site so that visitors can experience it smoothly, such as how to wear it and guide the number of people waiting.[The Picture Company] MBTI VR game, The InsideVisual & Media Art No. 1 Group <The Picture Company> Available for National Business Trip 02257 010 8323 7663 Mail [email protected] Headquarters | 19 Incheon Branch, Heungdeok 2-ro 117beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do | 16-2 Cheongju Branch, Gyeonggi-do, 16-2 Jang-ro 946beon-gil, Gyeyang-gu, Incheon | 190-83 Jeju Branch, Administrative Labor-gil, Gadeok-myeon, Sangdang-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do | 25-4 Hoho 7-gil, Gujwa-eup, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Jeju-do (*Women’s company, Nara Marketplace can be contracted)It is The Picture Company, a company specializing in AR and VR content.(1) School festivals, career-related events, and science events. The process of finding a career path is also said to be the process of finding yourself! It is a useful career and science event content because you can experience VR technology and learn about it under the theme of MBTI tests, which are also popular with teenagers and children.[The Picture Company] MBTI VR game The InsideAre you looking for something different? Popular among men and women! Use the unique VR MBTI game content in Korea and abroad as an event. Please feel free to contact The Picture Company for rental and consultation that makes the world beautiful, which does not seem to be reasonable price and quality content.[The Picture Company] MBTI VR game The Inside VideoMBTI VR game <The Inside> What event should I use it for?[The Grimm Company] When you finish the tutorial and the basics like MBTI VR game The Inside gender, the adventure begins as you arrive at the first island, which is unfamiliar but beautiful.They also confront huge, fearful beings.(4) Event VR games of local festivals and various events are likely to be enjoyed only by young people, but not surprisingly! When we went to local festivals and events all over the country, middle-aged visitors also concentrated and enjoyed the game and showed interest. <The Inside>! The beauty of the event, which can be enjoyed by men and women with easy operation and fun contents, can be used at all local festivals and events as an experience booth.[The Picture Company] The results of the MBTI VR game The Inside Adventure can be found in VR. Depending on the results, we provide detailed MBTI-specific analysis sheets on-site. How about experiencing a thrilling VR scene with a fun and fantastic MBTI VR game <The Inside>!▼ video?

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